Places and cities at latitude -47

Here you can find places on latitude -47. Below you will find all locations on the latitude -47, which are listed here. In addition, you will find the coordinates of the places at latitude -47.

Map of places at latitude -47

List places at latitude -47

A total of 7 places were found at latitude -47.
Clicking on the latitude -47 place will give you more information.

47° 45' 58.229" S 9° 10' 12.998" E (Lon: 9.170277 | Lat: -47.766175)bajo caracoles (Lon: -70.927328 | Lat: -47.443615)caleta yungay (Lon: -73.324434 | Lat: -47.933418)Capitán Prat (Lon: -72.927813 | Lat: -47.922157)Deseado (Lon: -68.3533295 | Lat: -47.2847476)Laguna Dulce (Lon: -66.1922061 | Lat: -47.9369913)Paso Roballo (Lon: -71.833826 | Lat: -47.160375)