Places and cities at latitude -54

Here you can find places on latitude -54. Below you will find all locations on the latitude -54, which are listed here. In addition, you will find the coordinates of the places at latitude -54.

Map of places at latitude -54

List places at latitude -54

A total of 16 places were found at latitude -54.
Clicking on the latitude -54 place will give you more information.

54° 21' 4" S 10° 45' 7" W (Lon: -10.751944 | Lat: -54.351111)Bouyetoya (Lon: 3.346450 | Lat: -54.420791)Feuerland (Lon: -69.323672 | Lat: -54.211612)Gropviken (Lon: -36.5087385 | Lat: -54.281149)Isla de los Estados (Lon: -64.4268035 | Lat: -54.79985)macquarie island (Lon: 158.855615 | Lat: -54.620811)Süd georgien (Lon: -36.582717 | Lat: -54.413833)südgeorgien (Lon: -36.582717 | Lat: -54.413833)SÜdgeorgien (Lon: -36.582717 | Lat: -54.413833)südgeorgien (Lon: -36.582716 | Lat: -54.413833)Südgeorgien (Lon: -36.437542 | Lat: -54.391642)Tierra del Fuego (Lon: -68.324206 | Lat: -54.805400)Twelve apostles (Lon: 109.160156 | Lat: -54.554544)usheia (Lon: -68.302951 | Lat: -54.801912)Ushuaia (Lon: -68.3029511 | Lat: -54.8019121)Ushuaia (argentinien) (Lon: -68.296874 | Lat: -54.800725)