Places and cities at longitude -132

Here you can find places on longitude -132. Below you will find all locations on the longitude -132, which are listed here. In addition, you will find the coordinates of the places at longitude -132.

Map of places at longitude -132

List places at longitude -132

A total of 10 places were found at longitude -132.
Clicking on the longitude -132 place will give you more information.

Coffman Cove (Lon: -132.8277778 | Lat: 56.0138889)Hydaburg (Lon: -132.8266667 | Lat: 55.2080556)Kaiganqi (Lon: -132.825703 | Lat: 55.210753)Luck Lake (Lon: -132.7746181 | Lat: 55.9372549)Meyers Chuck (Lon: -132.2563889 | Lat: 55.7408333)Prince of Wales Island (Lon: -132.817995 | Lat: 55.779431)Sweetwater Lake (Lon: -132.940624 | Lat: 55.9621864)Thomas Bay (Lon: -132.8693125 | Lat: 57.024114)Thorne Bay (Lon: -132.5222221 | Lat: 55.6877778)Wrangell (Lon: -132.3766666 | Lat: 56.4708333)