Places and cities at longitude -139

Here you can find places on longitude -139. Below you will find all locations on the longitude -139, which are listed here. In addition, you will find the coordinates of the places at longitude -139.

Map of places at longitude -139

List places at longitude -139

A total of 9 places were found at longitude -139.
Clicking on the longitude -139 place will give you more information.

Beechy Point (Lon: -139.456935 | Lat: 77.450124)dawson city (Lon: -139.432035 | Lat: 64.060070)dawson city kanada (Lon: -139.427415 | Lat: 64.063410)Îles Marquises (Lon: -139.081712 | Lat: -9.781216)marquesas (Lon: -139.081712 | Lat: -9.781216)Shoal Village (Lon: -139.7766667 | Lat: 59.5677778)südpazifik (Lon: -139.394531 | Lat: -37.579413)Yakutat (Lon: -139.7272222 | Lat: 59.5469444)Yakutat, AK (Lon: -139.727281 | Lat: 59.546988)