Places and cities at longitude -164

Here you can find places on longitude -164. Below you will find all locations on the longitude -164, which are listed here. In addition, you will find the coordinates of the places at longitude -164.

Map of places at longitude -164

List places at longitude -164

A total of 9 places were found at longitude -164.
Clicking on the longitude -164 place will give you more information.

Alakanuk (Lon: -164.6152778 | Lat: 62.6888889)Cewu (Lon: -164.637030 | Lat: 60.937026)Chefornak (Lon: -164.2658333 | Lat: 60.16)Emmonak (Lon: -164.5544697 | Lat: 62.7756375)Kipnuk (Lon: -164.0833318 | Lat: 59.9401747)Kivalina (Lon: -164.5333333 | Lat: 67.7269443)Munson Island (Lon: -164.9052778 | Lat: 62.555)Nightmute (Lon: -164.7238889 | Lat: 60.4794444)Nunam Iqua (Lon: -164.8411111 | Lat: 62.5336111)