Places and cities at longitude -18

Here you can find places on longitude -18. Below you will find all locations on the longitude -18, which are listed here. In addition, you will find the coordinates of the places at longitude -18.

Map of places at longitude -18

List places at longitude -18

A total of 10 places were found at longitude -18.
Clicking on the longitude -18 place will give you more information.

63.417071300773806, -18.764535108028184 (Lon: -18.768602 | Lat: 63.427658)Akureyri (Lon: -18.126169 | Lat: 65.688492)Asholt (Lon: -18.308930 | Lat: 65.925418)danmarkshavn (Lon: -18.981324 | Lat: 74.482161)Danmarshavn (Lon: -18.678735 | Lat: 76.772154)el hiero (Lon: -18.024301 | Lat: 27.725499)Frontera (Lon: -18.0093138 | Lat: 27.7543189)Puerto de Puntagorda (Lon: -18.000283 | Lat: 28.767527)Siglufjördur (Lon: -18.911265 | Lat: 66.151175)Skålavatn (Lon: -18.7941019 | Lat: 64.1222066)