Places and cities at longitude -27

Here you can find places on longitude -27. Below you will find all locations on the longitude -27, which are listed here. In addition, you will find the coordinates of the places at longitude -27.

Map of places at longitude -27

List places at longitude -27

A total of 7 places were found at longitude -27.
Clicking on the longitude -27 place will give you more information.

9700-401 (Lon: -27.329225 | Lat: 38.783364)Angra do Heroismo (Lon: -27.229397 | Lat: 38.663537)Biscoitos, ilha Terceira (Lon: -27.258793 | Lat: 38.792143)cambalim 9700-037 (Lon: -27.207128 | Lat: 38.664403)Escola secundária Vitorino nemésio (Lon: -27.065878 | Lat: 38.732447)graciosa (Lon: -27.969842 | Lat: 39.052572)PRaia vitoria (Lon: -27.083895 | Lat: 38.737649)